Transforming Beyond the Crisis
What organizations need to do now to seize tomorrow
The Covid-19 pandemic reminded us how fragile our societies, businesses, and our lives are. It turned things upside down in a matter of weeks.
The Covid-19 pandemic reminded us how fragile our societies, businesses, and our lives are. It turned things upside down in a matter of weeks. It required governments to provide dramatic emergency support. It forced people to enter self-isolation to protect themselves and others. It pushed organizations to reimagine how they do
business and how they would survive.
Today, the question is what do you need to do now to seize tomorrow? Transforming Beyond the Crisis is a new book by Brightline Initiative and Thinkers50 and brings a unique compilation of the best thinking from the world’s leading business thinkers and practitioners. They share their groundbreaking ideas, global experience and valuable insights. It provides lessons learned, practical tools, and inspiration to guide leaders through the current crisis and carry forward their transformation agenda.
Contributors include Scott Anthony of Innosight, Whitney Johnson, Martin Reeves and other thought leaders from Boston Consulting Group, Behnam Tabrizi of Stanford and Vijay Govindarajan of Tuck Business School.
Table of Contents
Ricardo Viana Vargas
Sunil Prashara
What it means to emerge stronger
Scott D. Anthony
Transformation takes a team – here’s what the best ones have in common
David Burkus
Four lessons for innovating in a crisis
Jane Thoning Callesen
Seizing new value pools in a post-pandemic world
Sangeet Paul Choudary
Planning meets agility
Alessandro Di Fiore
Pandemic meets digital transformation
Karolin Frankenberger, Hannah Mayer, Andreas Reiter, and Markus Schmidt
People strategy for successful strategies
Claudio Garcia
The Covid-led acceleration of the shift from brawn to brain
Vijay Govindarajan and Anup Srivastava
Make sure your lungs are working properly (and may the Force be with you!)
Anna Hummel-Gumaelius
Winning the fight and winning the future by leading with purpose and meaning
Perry Keenan, Jeanne Kwong Bickford, Michelle Stohlmeyer Russell, Marin Gjaja, and Connor Currier
Why transformation is a team sport
Thomas Keil and Marianna Zangrillo
Changing how we change – a practical guide to leading virtual transformation beyond the crisis
Susie Kennedy and Andrew Bray
Saving lives by transforming health systems in the time of Covid-19
Sanjay Kurani, Clifford Wang, and Behnam Tabrizi
The story of Haier’s Chinese U-Vaccine
Bram van der Lecq
A citizen revolution will help accelerate the transformation of businesses in the post-crisis era
Alwin Magimay
A new catalyst for digital transformation
Frank Palermo
Six questions to ask before starting a transformation
Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez and Whitney Johnson
Covid-19 is shining a light on leadership: here’s how it needs to evolve
Mary-Clare Race
Reimagining businesses for the post-Covid era
Martin Reeves and Kevin Whitaker
A new equation
Jim Hagemann Snabe and Lars Thinggaard
Responding to the crisis by building perpetual capabilities
Ricardo Viana Vargas, Edivandro Carlos Conforto, Tahirou Assane Oumarou, and Emil Andersson
Little fires everywhere: how leaders can ensure their transformation programmes are creating value
Tendayi Viki
The SECURE framework for crisis leadership: how to Survive, Stabilize, and then Surge
Ian C. Woodward, V. “Paddy” Padmanabhan, and Sameer Hasija
Published on 22 October 2020, by Brightline Initiative, Thinkers50